Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Again i have a mountain of tapes to filter through and make something of......Stoo met me at a service station near Leicester a couple of months ago and gave me a ton of tapes to mess around with. Stuff he had filmed at Radlands and Leicester and a contest at Docklands....so this stuff is pretty old.
I'm going to try and get a few clips together from all my tapes and the rest of Stoo's stuff and make some elongated compilation of stuff....some old and some newer....a sketchbook of my skating experiences around the uk and other places....another ongoing project which will be ongoing for sometime as Ione is now 3 months old and getting more demanding.....she is getting into everything....books, music, socialising, travel, laughing, sleep, food and everything else......104 days old today so here's some pictures of the first 104 days......


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