Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We went for a second scan yesterday and the baby did a star jump on the screen....no video this time though.
2nd scan photo

Friday, February 23, 2007


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I won some tickets to go to the Gilbert and George show at Tate Modern last night.....a private view type thing so with numbers really low Sarah and me walked around the near empty 4th floor galleries and then listened to Gilbert and George talk about their mass of images in the theatre..........Gilbert and George show
Gilbert and George
Gilbert and George

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A new member of the human race.....
joining date: 27 August 2007!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just trying to see if IFILM looks better than Youtube

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This is my bike......
bike and shadow
...i spend every weekday riding around Greater London delivering packages on it.....
...i sometimes leave it locked to lamp posts or to fences or to parking meters, somtimes i leave it locked to itself and ocasionaly i dont lock it at all. It's then i race through a building in a state of panic, deliver the package and run back to the door to find my bike still there and everything is ok again...
Dry Locked
First tide mark of winter
This is Mike...Mike used to be Mike 62, i used to be Zero1 and everyone else was a number in the days of 2 way radios...
......i followed Mike over Blackfriars Bridge.
London Street
Everywhere has a name and somehow i find the person who wants their photographs and then i head back to Clerkenwell and start all over again and thats my job.